How to Live Free from Tyranny, Keep More of Your Wealth, and Heal from Yet Another World War.
"Entertainment purposes only" and all that sort of thing of course.
International Terrorist Organization
Full of War Criminals Guilty of
Premeditated Mass Murder via
Experimental BioWeapon of Mass Destruction.
That’s what “Canada” is.
I wish I was sharing an opinion.
Our Parliament,
in its entirety, is a
5th-Gen Warlord Puppet’s Playground.
That means politicians are, categorically:
Our enemy.
If there’s a good one among them,
they’d be charged with treason for
violating their oath, serving someone
other than the Crown.
‘Canadians’ need to remember that.
Another thing they need to remember:
They wanted this.
Sure, maybe they didn’t say,
”Oooohhh I can’t wait until our government destroys us!
Let’s Vote Trudeau to make it happen faster!”
Making monetary contributions of any kind to international terrorists, especially once you know… is an international war crime.
So you’re going to want to stop yesterday.
The content of this post is something I have been sharing with people privately at coffee shops,
but it’s not happening fast enough.
It’s high time.
So to hurry things along,
here are the steps I would take
to set your self up with financial sovereignty
as a Pioneer of this 4th Industrial Revolution’s Great Reset.
and please, never pay taxes to anyone associated with criminals again.
1. Pay Your Self, Not Your Person.
Did you know?
Your property constitutes anything you own, create, or is assigned to you.
Your Time is a gift - assigned to you. That makes it - ALL of it - your property.
Your Right to Privacy is Unalienable (meaning it’s non-negotiable)
Any entity that ‘makes’ you surrender even the tiniest piece of your property is guilty of slavery.
Therefore, any product of your labour is your property.
It is commonly believed that taxes are something you ‘have’ to do.
If that were the case, Canada would ALSO be guilty of slavery.
They know to avoid that, so they don’t commit it outrightly. They get your consent through the most creative use of language they can muster.
Since the people allowed their enemy to create the public education system, the language of slavery was learned, and people had mind-viruses like:
"Taxes are the price we pay for civilization"
- American Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, 1927
Backing people up against a wall to have nurses inject them with little glass-like shards of synthetic biology that lacerate everything inside them from blood cells to DNA,
[and wait for the best part]
In the name of healthcare.
My definition of evil:
Deception Perfected
Taxation is the price we pay for
failing to build a civilized society.
The higher the tax level,
the greater the failure.
- Mark Skousen
“Ok. We get it Paul.
You self-righteous bastard.
Tell me once and for all
what am I supposed to do?”
Please, for the love of your nation (which is a people, by the way):
pay your self
not a person
this will feel…
a little weird… but,
take this in slowly,
You paid your taxes long enough
to see the devastation of society.
The individual is the ultimate minority
and the foundation of society
are the only
being over which
you have governance
in your society.
You are the only governor.
So pay yourself first.
(Tonight, I’m hosting an open event with chat and live Q&A on my new weekly show: Paradigm Wars. Let’s discuss this)
Paradigm Wars
Live, Interactive Newsroom
Thursdays at 6:30pm
Before you
pay yourself,
as your self,
ask yourself:
”Do I need anyone’s permission to deposit or withdraw from this account?”
If the answer is no, you can be comforted to know, you are paying yourself.
If there is even a chance that someone or something could prohibit you from conducting a transaction with that account, that account is not yours: it belongs to a person.
If you are not aware of the difference
between a person and your self,
or any other questions about
property rights coming
in the Great Reset,
I invite you
to join
our community
of pioneering entrepreneurs
local merchants, and small businesses:
the lifeblood of all prosperous economies
let alone
the economy of
the Great Renaissance
“But Paul!”
“I don’t have an account in such a state of permissionlessness”
Listen very carefully:
Soon, you will be faced with a choice:
Maintain your Digital ID’s Social Credit Score With Canadian-Chinese Restoration Project, and We’ll Deposit 2,000 into Your XRP Wallet Every Month So You Can Spend More Credits on Data in the Metaverse.
Call Crime Stoppers to Report Hate Speech and Get additional 20.
Report anti vaxxers for 100.Live in Your Very Own ‘CCP-Approved Housing Complex’, Secured 24-7 With State of the Art Surveillance Technologies that Keep You Safe.
You won’t have other choices.
When that day comes,
you WILL have a Digital ID
whether it’s an implant, a SIM card, or
the nano technologies in your blood,
it matters not.
I’ve been talking about this for a while.
That takes us to:
2. Create Your Own Self-Sovereign ‘Digital ID’
Fighting the Digital ID is impossible.
You see, they are accumulative identifiers.
Phone Number
Driver’s License
Email Addresses
Facebook Accounts
Social Insurance Number
With enough identifiers, (especially when you’ve surrendered them as ‘property of the person’), they have every right to offer you a new and upgraded account.
They disclose the terms and conditions
and people have been sufficiently programmed
to not even bother learning how to read them,
let alone take the time to read them.
We’ve watched this merger acquisition take place across 40 years.
(I was late, only learning about the Digital ID in 2008)
But please know this:
There is nothing to fear.
Consider your ‘Government Issued ID’ as just another account. Just another Identifier.
No different than a Google Account which gives you the ‘capacity’ to interact with their product: (Information, delivered via Data)
“Your ID” is simply an account that gives you the ‘capacity’ to interact with the Government’s ONLY tradable product: Their Currency.
It is not your “Identity”. It is only an identifier.
you are not your bank account balance
you are not your social media profiles
you are not your email address
you are not your postal code
you are not your name
Your self is far beyond what you’ve been programmed to believe!
The length to which people have been programmed to believe their identity lies in a citizenship… is really quite insidious.
Who will you choose to create your “Digital Identifiers”?
And it’s quite alright if you do not want to take on this level of self-responsibility.
Don’t worry!
If you don’t create your own ID
someone else will be very happy
to take that responsibility for you.
“Ok ya. I want to create my own IDs, DUH. How???”
The fastest way? Get a crypto wallet.
Just make sure,
you and you alone
hold the keys.
If you do not physically possess
the ‘key’ for that wallet
’the identifier’
it’s not yours.
That’s precisely why so many people keep losing in Crypto. Time after time.
They let someone else govern the keys for them.
If you need permission to access the property,
It’s not your property.
Plain and simple.
For Desktop/Laptop computers, I like,, and
and note: I use Brave, and I create unique identifiers for each of my 3 companies with which I’m pioneering the 4th Industrial Revolution. (Links to my Livestreams and co-work spaces are below this email (visible to contributors only)
For Mobile Phones:
I keep my private accounts off the cellular networks… until we have blockchain phones. However, I have installed a few apps for the centralized exchanges so I can swiftly make trades.
You’ve probably heard me talk about Shakepay already. I use that for day-to-day spending, both on Interac or online payments. is my new favourite exchange though. The fees on getting $$ into my favourite coins are lower there.
Private members (contributors to my work) will see all my personal information (minus passwords), so they can see clearly how I stage my assets to be backed with the largest commodity of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
3. Build Community
If your food comes from a grocery store, you are being poisoned.
The orchestrated famines of 5th Generation warfare look different than food shortages of the past.
The shelves are not empty
(but they had a lot of fun playing that fear, didn’t they?).
Supermarkets are filled with whatever people can be convinced is food.
Honestly, considering the murderers also govern the education system, I’m surprised at how people aren’t dying faster.
Who is your farmer?
Have you seen their farm?
Do you know the quality of your food?
Your life depends on it.
But that’s just one area of your life.
How do you get energy to your home?
Who do you pay for communications?
Where is your local market where your community’s farmers, artisans, and entrepreneurs gather to conduct trade?
Related to what I said earlier about the devastation of the war:
Who is your healthcare provider?
Do they align with your values?
Are they even helping you reach your health goals?
This was a full on war,
declared by government upon their own people.
The tragedy and trauma inflicted upon us in the last 4 years has exceeded the number of lives we lost in the last 200 years of war.
Many of us have experienced deep loss and the vast majority are witnessing their neighbours go through profound hardship. The impact of this will resound through Eons.
Do not let this history be erased.
Do not shy away from this pain.
Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Find people in your community who have answered the call to help their neighbours through the Great Grieving.
Make sure everyone who needs healing gets to know them.
Silence fuels the engine.
Community breaks the silence.
So, as I did in 2020, I am starting monthly meetups again.
You can meet me at fireside chats
or on my various online sessions.
If you would like me to meet with your community, or discuss how you can be a catalyst for peace and prosperity in your community, or simply catch up, schedule a meeting with me by using this link: